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3 days
Wilson Rothman
You can pre-order the iPhone 5 starting at midnight. But should you? Or would it be better to wait and see it in person before plunking down... Read more
41 min.
Wilson Rothman
Apple announced today that iPhone 5 pre-orders hit 2 million within 24 hours, while AT&T declared it the fastest-selling iPhone to date.
"iPhone 5 pre-orders have shattered the previous record [of 1 million]?held by iPhone 4S and the customer response to iPhone 5 has been phenomenal," said Philip Schiller, Apple?s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing, in a press release.
Even late last week, a company spokesperson told us that sales were off the charts:?"Pre-orders for iPhone 5 have been incredible. We've been completely blown away by the customer response," she said.
Meanwhile, AT&T declared in a statement that the iPhone 5 was the fastest-selling model ever.
"Customers ordered more iPhones from AT&T than any previous model both on its first day of pre-orders and over the weekend," said AT&T.
(The press release was careful not to say that it was the fastest selling phone of any kind, but we think it is. We've asked AT&T what phone could have sold better, and will update if we hear back, but odds are extremely good that this is AT&T's fastest-selling phone of any make or model.)
"AT&T deserves a pat on the back for this performance," wrote?wireless industry?analyst Jeff Kagan, in a note. "When other competitors started selling the iPhone, many thought AT&T would suffer. They said AT&T would lose business.?As it turns out, they were wrong ... AT&T is selling more iPhones, not fewer."
There's a downside to the success, at least for people only now getting around to pre-ordering. According to Apple's statement, "Demand for iPhone 5 exceeds the initial supply and while the majority of pre-orders will be delivered to customers on Sept. 21, many are scheduled to be delivered in October."
Apple's own site estimates "2-3 weeks" for current orders. So the dilemma people who want an iPhone now face is:?Should you pre-order? Or get in line to buy a phone when they go on sale in stores?Friday?
I would say that it depends on how close you live to an Apple store, and how much time you want to waste standing in line. Apple says the iPhone 5 will be in stock at 356 of its U.S.?retailers beginning at 8 a.m. (local time) on Friday. That's as close to a guarantee as you're going to get, but you have to be there, physically, to make it happen.
Carriers will also have the phone, but Apple manages the flow of hardware, and will likely ration out handsets to its partners. Apple's own statement just says that the phone "will be available" through its U.S. carriers and "select" Best Buy, RadioShack, Target and Walmart stores. It does not say when, though presumably there will be some inventory on launch day.?If you want go that route, though,?you should call ahead.?
But hey, with everyone waiting in line at an Apple store, maybe Walmart is the way to go.
Wilson Rothman is the Technology & Science?editor at NBC News Digital. Catch up with him on Twitter at @wjrothman, and join our conversation on Facebook.
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Since I hadn't seen Liss in quite a while, it was a lot of fun to be able to catch-up in person and hang out. I don't think either of us are itching to move to Yakima any time soon, LOL. It's If you ever go there, I recommend that you do NOT eat the food at the Holiday Inn. Fair warning.
Anyway! The theme for this year was Beloved Community and, from my perspective, it seemed to me that the theme was truly realized at the conference itself and left the people attending energized and inspired to take it out into their work and in their lives in various parts of the state.
The last speaker on Monday morning was Rosalinda Guillen, Executive Director of Community-to-Community/Comunidad-a-Comunidad:
Community to Community Development is a place based, women-led grassroots organization working for a just society and healthy communities.She gave a powerful keynote regarding the fact that we (as agencies/orgs, as advocates, as activists, as society, as people) need to start not at the "end" with the picking up of the pieces but with the beginning: the institutional and societal oppressions that lead us (as society, as people) to the point of needing domestic violence advocates, of needing food banks, of needing anti-rape awareness campaigns, etc... That what we see is just the "tip of the iceberg" and we need to start looking at the rest of that iceberg. She was fierce and eloquent and amazing. I highly recommend checking out their site and the important work that they do.We are committed to systemic change and to creating strategic alliances that strengthen local and global movements towards social, economic and environmental justice.
The next workshop, on pop culture and prevention, seemed like it held a lot of promise. Unfortunately, it didn't really deliver. One aspect, which was of no fault of the presenter is technology issues (conferences, amirite?!). So I understand that can really throw you, especially when a lot of your workshop is dependent on the tech. But there were still issues with the content. First was that the people chosen to demonstrate bad relationships were either POC, Chris Brown and Rhianna, or people who are identified with a culture, in this case Italian-Americans, as it was the Jersey Shore crew. The people chosen to exemplify good relationships were all middle or upper class white people--the couple from Friday Night Lights and Carrie & the dude she moved in with (can't recall his character name) from Sex in the City. Surely, SURELY there were other examples, esp. given the theme of the conference. The other issue, which may or may not necessarily be An Issue? but is related to my expectations when talking about prevention of violence and prevalence of violence in pop culture/media is that the start is not with adult media but children's media. While the majority of media for children does not deal with romantic relationships with the main characters, there are still plenty of relationships in friends, family, and community. The sheer amount of violence as entertainment--and I'm including bullying and mean-spirited "jokes" as violence here--in children's media is fairly well sickening. The idea that violence, verbal or physical or emotional is normal via media/pop culture starts with children and when we talk prevention we need to start there, not starting at Jersey Shore (even if there are some middle-grade kids watch that too). I came away from this workshop rather frustrated.
On Tuesday morning Liss and I gave our workshop. I thought it went all right and I am ever-grateful to Liss for rescuing me when my mind went blank when I was in the middle of speaking, LOL! Well, "blank" isn't quite it, as I was talking and as I was talking I thought of something else entirely that I wanted to talk about. Then I started thinking of that new idea and THEN I realized that I was still talking and I had no idea what I had just said (since I had been thinking of the new idea), LOL! But Liss stepped in and picked up the frayed thread of my conversation and it was awesome.
One thing I wish I had remembered to say--so if you were there (or in the workshop looking for new ideas for support groups)--here is this: another component of community building online is that you can host support groups online. This is not necessarily a perfect solution, as there is the issue of access to a computer. It does, however, help to mitigate the issue of people not being able to attend a group in-person because of work hours or transportation issues. There are a number of free bulletin board hosting sites, phpBB comes to mind. There are many paid hosting sites as well, like vBulletin. It also can help to get people involved in their groups and work towards feeling invested as you can promote discussion moderators from within the groups. There are ways to make boards private and only accessible to certain people (and even private sub-boards within a main board). It may or may not be a solution to ultimately go with but I wanted to mention it here as I totally forgot to mention it in the workshop.
The last workshop on Tuesday was about reproductive coercion. We write about that quite a bit here, so I was intrigued to hear what the presenters had to say. Turns out it wasn't just on "what is reproductive coercion" but also introducing a new pilot program regarding RC and working with not just the usual agencies and orgs but with the medical community like OBs/midwives/doulas to help with prevention and, perhaps, a person being able to access any services they may need sooner rather than later. They worked heavily with Futures Without Violence and their Know More. Say More. campaign (you should check them out!). I was highly impressed with the program and I sincerely hope that when it is out of pilot phase that it can be implemented everywhere. It is SO NEEDED.
On Wednesday morning, Liss gave her keynote. It was AMAZING. It wasn't the shortest speech given (but not the longest, either, LOL) and she held the audience the whole time. She also got a well-deserved standing ovation from the crowd--and not one of those reluctant ovations where a few people stand and everyone else goes "well, I guess I should too or else I look like an asshole". No, everyone enthusiastically stood up. It was great and I was super proud of Liss. You did great, Melissa!
The last speaker was Vicki Ybanez, who is now the Executive Director of Red Wind Consulting, a group that "is committed to working with Tribal and Native specific programs to ensure that indigenous solutions are incorporated in our thinking and responses to end violence against Native women." She also was a member, not facilitator but member, of the support group in Duluth, MN, that originally created the Power and Control Wheel that is used by most people when talking about domestic violence and abuse. Vicki's story was powerful and her call echoed that of Rosalinda's on Monday: we must, MUST, if we are serious about ending domestic violence, start working together (as orgs, as agencies) and tackle the fact that it is a systemic problem, not "just about that one family".
So, overall, the conference was powerful and inspirational. The work these people--all of them--are doing is incredible. If you have the time and/or resources to contact your local DV prevention/support org or agency and see what need they have that you can help with.
I exhort you to invest in helping create a beloved community in your area, however you are able and wherever you may live.
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FORTUNE -- Mitt Romney has a curious definition of "middle income," based on an interview?this morning with ABC News:
MITT ROMNEY: No one can say my plan is going to raise taxes on middle-income people, because principle number one is keep the burden down on middle-income taxpayers.
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Is $100,000 middle income?
MITT ROMNEY: No, middle income is $200,000 to $250,000 and less.
I'm honestly not sure what Romney is trying to say here, except that he doesn't want to raise federal income taxes.
Is he honestly trying to argue that "middle-income" is $200,000 to $250,000?" According to recent U.S. Census data, just 1.9% of U.S. households fit that definition. I've heard people say the American middle class is disappearing, but 1.9% would be extreme.
Romney defenders on Twitter have latched on to the "and less" part of his statement, but how does that really help matters? Does Romney mean everything under $250,000 is middle income? If so, that would seem to eliminate the "lower income" category entirely -- and how do you have a middle without the lower and higher?
I've asked the Romney campaign for clarification. Also asked for a specific definition from the Obama campaign, given the President's tendency to refer to those earning less than $250,000 as "middle class." Not really expecting answers from either.
For the record, median U.S. household income is around $50,000.
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Most homeowners know that certain natural catastrophes that tend to occur on a massive scale are beyond the abilities of regular insurance companies to handle. One type of catastrophe is flooding. While flooding can affect a single home, floods tend to occur on a large scale, often causing substantial damages to dozens, hundreds or even thousands of homes during a single occurrence.
Because of their catastrophic nature, flood coverage in the United States is handled by an insurer of last resort; the federal government. Coverage for homes and businesses are available under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security; which oversees the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
In the years after the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, the government flood program has run into a number of major problems. The program is a financial black hole. The rates that are charged to policyholders are highly subsidized by taxpayers. The lack of sufficient premiums for the program is accompanied by other problems such as:
However, another issue represents an ongoing problem. A small percentage of homes (less than five percent of homes insured under the program) cause a disproportionate share of losses. Technically they have been labeled Repetitive Loss Structures. The term refers to property located in areas that are highly prone to flooding and which have suffered several major losses within a given timeframe. Such homes were supposed to be subject to new flood program rules that required such buildings to undergo loss mitigation after a given number of losses. However, rather than owners being required to add features to minimize flood damage or to elevate the sites of the homes; they are repaired and/or rebuilt with no changes.
The flood program?s viability has been threatened by the fact that billions of dollars continue to be spent on, essentially, the same set of homes that undergo repeated losses. In essence, the flood program is being ?flooded? by the lack of action and enforcement by individual property owners and their respective communities.
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Posted on 13. Sep, 2012 by TakesGervasio331 in automotive
Bad credit in addition has an effect on the accessibility of car lease deals as well as repayments required merely like another auto financing bargains. Thanks to this, car finders with decrease credit scores have a hard time in leasing cars that they could use. Nonetheless, there are several methods low credit score slots could utilize in acquiring car lease discounts.
In case you have now a bad credit score therefore you will need to receive a car lease, test to carry out an considerable car research or even talk to several of the car advice that will help you obtain the best deal despite of your own low credit score. To simplify items, some of the basic steps in getting a car lease even with of bad credit are offered below.
1. Secure the newest copy of the credit document from one of the credit canceling companies such as Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian. Try out to examine your current FICO score for this is just what most car makers as well as dealerships are choosing in determining no matter whether to offer your own lease application you aren?t.
Make certain to check the synonyms included in the credit record. In case you?ve found errors on this kind of, attempt to get these types of taken off. This kind of will assist in your current credit score and allow a person to meet the requirements for the very best car lease discounts.
You should try checking the most recent credit statement a handful of months just before a car lease considering that the course of action of fixing the errors identified in the credit record typically last for almost one month. Because of to this specific, filing your problem or perhaps case which would right these errors ahead of time is critical.
2. Search for bigger car shops in your community or even in places close by. This specific could become the greatest strategy which you can apply since greater car stores possess more cars and the?ve a good deal of car leasing bargains for different types of lease candidates.
Should you be lucky, an individual will have the ability to find the lease cope that you might want. Test to check as much car stores because you can for this gives anyone to obtain more car lease bargains which you can examine.
3. Chat to the finance overseer of each car dealer you are going to. Current your current credit report to the finance representative and check out to make an offer with him or her. Do not let any kind of car dealership to operate a credit check on a person until an offer is actually closed. Operating a credit check would additional decrease your credit score.
While a car car dealership denies to supply you with a far better leasing offer, move to the following car car lot and check out to discuss with these people. Do not really wait to visit more dealerships and soon you will probably to obtain a package that work best with your leasing requirements.
4. Make certain that you?ve a great deal of cash on hands. It is because an individual will be paying more compared to what a very good credit holder would be repaying for the down payment any time a car car lot enables you to lease one of their vehicles.
When you spend the essential down payment, anyone will have the opportunity to acquire the lease offer and enjoy the positive aspects of leasing a manufacturer new car.
For more information, go to poor credit contract hire and sub prime car lease
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Have you always wanted to earn income on the stock exchange and never really seem to find the bravery to do so? True, the market is awfully unpredictable. It also takes real courage, smarts, and the will to take a position in the best stockmarket dealing system to make your investments pay-off. One must have the knowledge wanted to sell and buy stocks for a nice profit. Warren Buffett knows this idea well, and that made him the second-richest man in the world today. Picking the ?gainers? and avoiding the ?losers? is the name of the game. You can keep an eye on your portfolio, purchase and offload stocks, and take a close look at charts and graphs.
You'll find that with the assistance of stock market trader software you're able to get acceptable results. You need to be in a position to customise your stock market dealing software too in order that it benefits you the most.
There are plenty of programs available to help map out Fibonacci waves. You can download SpiralTrader freely there?s also VTTrader, which my neighbour uses and advocates. Both work miracles, all you've got to do is input 1 or 2 numbers and drag your waves over market graphs, and it shows you the key p.c. levels at which to trade successfully with that fund. So what the stockmarket dealing software is basically doing is taking the prediction out of securities trading.
It is not complicated, and it is not wizardry ? it is just a method to see patterns and decide when they are going to repeat. It is as easy as that. It's critical to set your stop-loss with your broker before going on to make a stock purchase. There is, however, always that tiny probability that share costs will abruptly drop before getting an opportunity to sell them, here's where your stop-loss order saves the day. As an example, ?I should have purchased this other stock instead? or ?I shouldn't have listened to that stockbroker.? Each successful investor has a tactic that she sticks to. They wish they had made better calls. When they lose, they'd ask themselves if they'd followed the method. If the answer's yes, they'd just take an in-depth look to make certain they'd followed everything as planned.
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Fans of Marvel comics will be familiar with S.H.I.E.L.D., a fictitious law-enforcement agency that fights evil and injustice. While AFN?s Risk Management Team, under the leadership of General Counsel Jared Palmer, hasn?t (yet) taken on any interplanetary security threats, our customers greatly value the group?s often super-heroic efforts to stop cargo theft. Jared?s credo is ? unlike his comic-book counterparts ? less focused on shielding our customers from theft and more focused, with a rapier-like intensity, on preventing criminal activity. Read on to learn more about how the team practices their ?Sword versus Shield? philosophy.
Question: You often say that your department prefers to work with a sword rather than a shield. What do you mean by that?
Palmer: It?s a concept I learned in law school from one of my professors. You can either operate a risk management team like a shield to protect your clients or you can use it as a sword to attack and eliminate the threats. With that concept in mind, my department here at AFN goes after new business, rather than merely protecting the business we have. Motor carriers and customers alike understand and appreciate the value that a well run risk management group can bring to their business.
Question: Can you describe how exactly that works?
Palmer: I spend a lot of time meeting with clients who have shown a need or interest in risk minded logistics services. It starts with the due diligence that my Compliance Team performs on all the motor carriers we do business with. A proprietary method allows us to identify the best carriers to use to reduce risk with a much higher success rate than our competition. Our customers find tremendous value in relying on AFN to offload that burden from their day-to-day operations. We have a very seasoned and aggressive OS&D/Claims department that doesn?t sit around and wait for something bad to happen to our customers? cargo. Instead, we use a proactive approach to identify problem areas and work with our clients to find a realistic solution. Lastly, we have a Security Team dedicated to ensuring that high risk or high value loads are moved securely and on the right motor carriers. We?re proud of our success rate in preventing thefts and recovering loads that have been stolen as a result of our ongoing commitment to securing the supply chain.
Question: What kinds of things do you encounter in the course of a typical work week?
Palmer: There really is no such thing as a typical work week at AFN, which is one of the reasons the job is fun and challenging. In a typical week, I may consult with several motor carriers on how to improve their overall safety. I?m actively involved in helping law enforcement agencies around the country find funding and support for their training initiatives. And I oversee the day-to-day operations of several high value/high risk accounts from a 30,000 foot vantage point to ensure we are providing the type of service we committed to.
Question: You?ve worked with some clients (notably LG) to develop and implement systemic responses to crime. Can you share a bit about that experience and what you and the customer have learned from it?
Palmer: LG is a well known consumer products company?so well known, in fact, that their product is highly desirable in almost every country on the planet. Unfortunately, some who desire LG?s products are not willing to purchase them through normal distribution channels and instead resort to criminal activities. LG recently created a North American Security Council [for a previous article describing this effort, link here] to focus on reducing their exposure to cargo theft. It seems to be really paying off. The Security Council is comprised of law enforcement, private sector, key suppliers and personnel from LG Electronics North America. A key learning is that you need to open the channels of communication and work collaboratively to find a solution. There also has to be buy-in from the top down in order for any proposed solution to be implemented and actually adopted as part of the culture at the organization.
Question: Tell us about working with various law enforcement agencies over the years. What should shippers and carriers know?
Palmer: Not all agencies are created equal. The F.B.I. is not the primary agency dealing with cargo theft, especially after 9-11. Your local police station is not equipped to handle the recovery or search of lost or stolen cargo. You need to network and establish a relationship with those agencies around the country that specialize in or are trained on this issue. The IL State Police, the Los Angeles Sheriff, NJ State Police, California Highway Patrol, Memphis Task Force, Dallas-Fort Worth Police, and a few others like them, really have the know-how to tackle a cargo theft problem.
Question: How is/will new high tech gear help mitigate theft? Aren?t thieves always going to be one step ahead of any new innovations?
Palmer: We?ve found that a multilayer approach to cargo theft prevention and recovery works best. It starts with securing facilities. Whether you are the manufacturer, distributor, retailer, forwarder or motor carrier, you have to make it difficult for the bad guys to penetrate your property. Depending on the type of freight and your budget, actions may range from low tech to very high tech including cameras, alarms,electrically charged fences, license plate scanners, thumbprints, etc.
Then, you have to use the right providers, brokers, logistics companies, motor carriers, and other vendors. A thorough vetting process to understand who is going to be touching or moving your product and their methods for how they will accomplish that needs to be completed. Load planners and operations personnel need to work more strategically and with a risk-minded attitude to ensure that transit times make sense. Picking up a load on Friday in Compton and delivering it on Monday in Chino is not smart. That load will be sitting in the Los Angeles area over the weekend and most likely will not be secure. Covert GPS or tracking devices are necessary at this stage in the game. Not all technologies are created equal so you have to do some field testing, but generally speaking the crooks are looking for the non-covert tracking systems on trucks and trailers.
Finally, buy good insurance that will pay in case there is a loss. Network with the right law enforcement agencies who will go out and track down your stolen product. Most criminals are not going to great lengths to steal the cargo; they are opportunists. Adopting some or most of these steps will keep the scales tipped in your favor.
Feel free to contact Jared directly at 224-515-7018 or you would like more information regarding AFN?s Risk Management capabilities.
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Apple is not providing any video streams that we're aware of (if that changes, we'll post the link here). We'll be following along and providing our usual mix of color, commentary, and context during a special live edition of The iMore show at 10am PT, 1pm ET, 6pm BST with Rene Ritchie, Marc Edwards, Phil Nickinson and Kevin Michaluk.
A post-game wrap-up will follow in our usual time slot at 6pm PT, 9pm ET, 2am BST with Rene Ritchie, Georgia, Seth Clifford, and David Barnard.
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Nearly 70 years after the Holocaust was planned and executed in Berlin, there has been an influx of young Israelis to the city. "In Israel, you must struggle, you struggle every day," one recent arrival says. NBC News' Carlo Angerer reports.
By Carlo Angerer, NBC News
BERLIN, Germany -- Israeli Zeev Avrahami stands in the small kitchen of his restaurant peeling eggs and dripping fresh olive oil on a plate of hummus he is about to serve. The restaurant's name -- 'Sababa,' which is slang for good or fun -- is written proudly in Hebrew letters over its entrance.
Nearly 70 years after the Holocaust was planned and executed in the German capital and Nazi atrocities nearly extinguished Jewish life on the European continent,?Avrahami's eatery is a sign?of a new chapter of Jewish life in Germany.
Avrahami is at the culinary forefront of an influx of Israelis who have moved Berlin in recent years.?Officials at the Israeli Embassy estimate that about 15,000 of its citizens now live in the city, thought to be the highest number in decades.
'They don't know what to say'
Before the Holocaust about 160,000 Jews called Berlin home. By the time the city was liberated by the Red Army in 1945, only 8,000 remained.?
And while Avrahami feels safe in Berlin, his interactions with German citizens are often burdened by the past.
"Once you say you're Israeli, there is silence. They don't know what to say," he told NBC News. "In Germany, it's still hard to be different, a foreigner. It's not an immigration country, it's not America."
What is attracting young Israelis to the former center of Nazi Germany? Even today, synagogues, Jewish schools, and other buildings linked to the community across Germany are under constant police protection amid fears of attacks by right-wing and Islamist groups.
Carlo Angerer / NBC News
The Sababa restaurant in central Berlin is a small sign of a new chapter of Jewish life in Germany.
Israeli insurance salesman Ilan Weiss, who moved to Berlin in 1990, believes the increasing cost of living and cuts to social services in his homeland -- as well as Berlin's image as a hip and multicultural destination -- is behind the trend.
Weiss, who runs the?the non-profit? website, said that some new arrivals "show up with only a suitcase."
"I get requests from new arrivals or Israelis looking to move to Berlin nearly every week," Weiss added. "It?s hard to live in the country where they come from, so the people come to Germany, where it's better than the rest of Europe, even than the U.S."
Economic woes
Among the incomers is?Inbal Mayan, who came to Berlin about 4 months ago. The 31-year-old Tel Aviv native says daily life in her homeland has become difficult to afford for many young Israelis, even if they work two or three jobs.
Mayan says that even though Berlin is famous for its easy-going lifestyle, the economy is a key factor for many Israelis. "It's not about the partying anymore, but it's about life that you can actually live and afford and not to struggle every day to have money, to live a simple life," she said. "In Israel you must struggle, you struggle every day."
More Germany coverage from
She now takes German courses at the local Jewish community's language school and hopes to attend university and get a Master?s degree.
Fellow language student Bar Ben-Yehuda arrived one-and-a-half years ago from the outskirts of Jerusalem.
"Here we have the opportunity for a better life, we can build something," he said. "The opportunities are better here than in Israel ? I?m very sad to say this, because that's my country, but it?s the truth."
But sooner or later, Berlin's dark past creeps in as reminders of Jewish life destroyed by the Holocaust are evident throughout the city, from the massive Holocaust memorial to so called 'Stolpersteine' (stumbling blocks), commemorative metal plaques installed in front of former homes of Jews deported to concentration camps.
'You have to deal with it'
Restaurant owner Avrahami, who has been living in Berlin for four years, says the German capital becomes a spirital place for many?Israelis.
"A lot of arrivals, because they're so young, they don't see that but there is something that pulls you down," he told NBC News. "At the beginning you don?t pay attention to the signs, but it creeps in you all the time. At some point you have to deal with it."
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Israeli Nirit Bialer, 34,?moved to Berlin six years ago and helped to start the group Habait, 'home' in Hebrew, hopes to bring Germans and Israelis together through cultural events and creating a place for enhanced dialogue between the two groups.
Young Germans tend to be not as preoccupied with the burden of the country's dark past as their parents' generation.
"Berlin is a very cosmopolitan city," Bialer says. "It's not necessarily this gray dark place that we are taught from history."?
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By Rob Markman
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Photo: WireImage/Getty Images
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BAGHDAD (AP) ? Iraq's fugitive Sunni vice president on Monday declared his "absolute innocence" in a terror trial that had sentenced him to death on charges of masterminding the murder of rivals, and rejected the conviction against him as a politically motivated sham.
Tariq al-Hashemi, who fled Iraq after the government brought charges against him, said he will not return to appeal the verdict unless he can be assured of a fair day in court.
Speaking from his exile in Turkey, al-Hashemi said a fair trial would be impossible in Baghdad and accused Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ? a Shiite and the vice president's longtime foe ? of manipulating the courts against him as part of a political vendetta.
"The verdict is unjust, politicized, illegitimate and I will not recognize it," al-Hashemi told reporters in the Turkish capital, Ankara. "But I put it as a medal of honor on my chest because it was al-Maliki, not anyone else, behind it. I'm proud that it is al-Maliki, and not anyone else, to target me."
"The death sentence is a price I have to pay due to my love for my country and my loyalty to my people," he added. "I reiterate that I'm innocent, and am ready to stand before a fair judicial system and not a corrupt one that is under al-Maliki's influence."
Asked directly if he will return to Baghdad within 30 days to seek a retrial, as is his right under Iraqi law, al-Hashemi said: "I'm not going, regardless of the time scale that has been offered to me."
Spokesmen for al-Maliki and the Iraqi government could not immediately be reached for comment Monday.
Al-Hashemi fled to Turkey after Iraq's Shiite-led government issued the terror charges against him in December, the day after U.S. troops withdrew from the country. He would receive a retrial if he agrees to return to Baghdad, but al-Hashemi has refused, saying he will never get a fair hearing in a Baghdad court.
The politically charged case sparked a government crisis and fueled Sunni Muslim and Kurdish resentment against al-Maliki, whom critics say is monopolizing power.
On Sunday, Baghdad's criminal court convicted al-Hashemi and his son-in-law, Ahmed Qahtan, of organizing the murders of a Shiite security official and a lawyer who had refused to help the vice president's allies in terror cases. In a third case, the two defendants were acquitted of the killing of a security officer due to a lack of evidence.
The charges were the first against al-Hashemi to go to trial among the government's allegations that he played a role in 150 bombings, assassinations and other attacks from 2005 to 2011 ? years in which the country was mired in sectarian violence that followed the 2003 U.S.-led invasion that ousted Saddam Hussein's Sunni regime. Most of the attacks were allegedly carried out by al-Hashemi's bodyguards and other employees, and largely targeted government officials, security forces and Shiite pilgrims.
The Baghdad court sentenced both al-Hashemi and Qahtan in absentia to death. They have 30 days to appeal the verdict and could win a retrial if they return to Iraq to face the charges.
Sunday's verdict was announced as Iraq reeled from a daylong pounding of bombings and shootings that left 92 people dead and more than 360 wounded in nearly two dozen attacks across the country. On Monday, in a statement posted on a militant website, al-Qaida's branch in Iraq claimed responsibility for the wave of violence and vowed there will be more "black days ahead."
Most of the court evidence against al-Hashemi came from 10 of his former bodyguards who testified they were ordered by Qahtan, and then paid, to carry out killings in small groups. Qahtan managed al-Hashemi's vice presidential office.
Al-Hashemi has long accused the government of torturing the bodyguards into giving false statements. His defense team did not offer any witnesses or testimony during the trial's ten hearings.
Al-Hashemi ? who has been in office since 2006 ? is on Interpol's most-wanted list, but Turkey has shown no interest in sending the vice president back to Baghdad, straining diplomacy between the two neighboring nations.
Al-Hashemi appeared defiantly upbeat at the packed press conference. "I am not worried about my life," he said. "I am worried about the future of my country."
Associated Press Writer Chris Torchia in Istanbul contributed to this report.
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WENATCHEE, Wash. (AP) ? Crews in central Washington and Wyoming worked Monday to protect homes from two of the many wildfires burning across the West as a destructive fire season stretches into September with no relief expected from the weather anytime soon.
Winds and temperatures remain high in parts of the region, worrying officials who had hoped cooler temperatures and moisture would eventually tamp down the threat. The National Weather service issued red-flag warnings for wide swaths of eastern Washington and Oregon, Idaho, Montana and all of Wyoming, meaning conditions could exacerbate blazes.
In Wyoming, authorities evacuated 500 people from homes and cabins as a wildfire about 10 miles southeast of Casper quickly grew.
The Sheep Herder Hill Fire started Sunday and burned at least six structures overnight. State Forester Bill Crapser wasn't sure if any of the structures were homes but said even more buildings may have been lost.
The fire had scorched more than 15 square miles of pine forest and sagebrush by Monday afternoon.
Gov. Matt Mead activated two Wyoming Army National Guard UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters, each with 600-gallon buckets, to dump water on the fire. A total of 12 Wyoming Army and Air National Guard troops were activated, including a liaison to coordinate possible aid to a Jackson-area fire in northwest Wyoming.
About 1,000 residents had been told to prepare to leave as the Little Horsethief Fire burned about 2,000 acres in a mountainous area less than two miles south of Jackson. But officials said Monday evening it appeared the town of about 9,500 residents would be able to get through the night without any evacuations.
The blaze was about 15 percent contained.
In Washington state, rains that fell in the Seattle area after a 48-day dry stretch didn't make it over the Cascade Mountains that divide the state's western and eastern halves. And the forecast was for gusts that could fan the flames of dozens of blazes.
Only a shed has been lost near Wenatchee, and no injuries have been reported at what appeared to be the most-threatening of many wildfires sparked by lightning in the state Saturday.
Residents of about 180 homes on the west side of Wenatchee, about 140 miles east of Seattle, were told to evacuate Sunday, Wenatchee police Sgt. John Kruse said. And a shelter was set up at a church because of the small blaze that continued to burn in the hills. It was so windy that newly arriving crews struggled to set up their tents.
Connie Beck of Wenatchee was ready to get herself, her things and her dog out of harm's way if needed, but hoped crews would stop the fire.
"I packed my pictures, my recipe box and a couple of days' worth of clothes, and Mollie," she said, pointing to her Dachshund.
Ed Farrar has a home overlooking the Wenatchee Valley. He said the hillside last burned nearly 20 years ago, but he was paralyzed from the waist down in bicycle accident four years ago and has to be more wary.
"It's a different kind of preparedness," Farrar said. "I have to depend on friends a lot more than I did before."
In western Montana, residents of about 350 homes threatened by a wildfire west of Hamilton were told to leave Monday. The Sawtooth Fire grew to 2 square miles and was threatening houses, two businesses and scores of sheds, barns and other buildings spread out over a 10-mile area, fire information officer Gregg DeNitto said.
On the eastern side of the state, a fire about 15 miles east of Roundup spread to 1 square mile and was threatening 25 to 35 houses before firefighters halted its advance Monday afternoon, Musselshell County Commissioner Larry Leske said.
Residents were warned they might have to leave, but Leske said no evacuations were ordered.
Blazes have scorched more than 8.1 million acres across the West so far in 2012, up from the 10-year average of 6.1 million, according to the National Interagency Fire Center.
Mild recent fire seasons combined with moderate winter weather contributed to a buildup of the kind of undergrowth that fuels forest fires, said Jeremy Sullens, a wildfire analyst for predictive services at the center. The warm dry summer exacerbated things.
"Finer fuels allow fires to burn more rapidly and have more active fire behavior," Sullens said, adding that the fuels buildup explains why fewer fires have burned more acres altogether.
Fire officials would like to have a wet fall, but Sullens said that's not in the weather forecast for the near future.
The West's wildfire season started in earnest in Colorado during an unusually warm and dry March. A wildfire charred 6 square miles in the foothills outside Denver, killing three people and destroying 23 homes. March usually is one of the snowiest months, but this year it was Denver's warmest and driest on record.
At higher elevations, the weather ate up snowpack weeks ahead of normal. Red-flag warnings were issued in many parts of Colorado on an almost routine basis throughout the month.
Meanwhile, other wildfires continue burning across the West:
? Southeast of Portland, Ore., people camping and hiking near a blaze spreading in the Deschutes National Forest near Sisters were evacuated as gusty winds whipped the fire through dead trees.
The fire area was estimated at about 3 square miles, or 2,000 acres, but KTVZ-TV reported a flight to get a precise picture was canceled by mechanical problems. Four vehicles at a trailhead were destroyed Sunday.
? In Washington state, other fires that apparently started over the weekend burned more than 11,000 acres of sagebrush and grass, and were threatening homes near Grand Coulee Dam in Douglas and Grant counties. Another fire burned 200 acres of sagebrush and grass near Odessa in Lincoln County.
As many as 80 fires along the east slopes of the Cascades were set by Saturday night lightning strikes, the Department of Natural Resources said. Most remained small. The state Emergency Operations Center was activated Sunday evening and dispatched four interagency fire management teams to help local firefighters and coordinate state assistance.
? In Northern California, improving conditions aided about 1,400 firefighters battling a blaze that is threatening about 300 homes outside of Ukiah.
? In Idaho, a blaze visible for miles forced closures in the Payette National Forest.
Associated Press writers Donna Gordon Blankinship and Doug Esser in Seattle, Matt Volz in Helena, Mont., and Colleen Slevin in Denver contributed to this report.
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You and your sibling are sent off to a distant cousin. But something about him and the town he lives is really weird... (If you looked before look again. SPOTS OPEN)
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Wow, remade it ey? Well, guess I'll just resend in my old character.
Yeah same thing happened with teacups she'll be comin in soon
Count me in for at least Cylene. I'm not sure if I will replay Kane or not. Hopefully we can get farther than half a day this time around and I can have Cylene kill more people meet the cousins formally.
man, the character of kendall must be cursed or something XD
Yeah both rps ended because of the older sibling having to leave.
Bitch Please! I shall take the role of the older sibling. After all I only delete the character after the RP dies due to another player's actions.
Good now watch us not get a younger until three minutes before giving up
Erm... *looks at previous comment* Could I play the younger sibling?
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